Seeking emergency care is advised if symptoms persist for more than 24 hours after drinking. This distortion of visual input makes it even harder for the already impaired eye muscles and balance system to coordinate. The eyes struggle to stay aligned and focused through alcohol-induced visual confusion.
Possible short-term effects on eyes
In some cases, the blurry vision may be so severe that it impairs a person’s ability to see clearly or perform tasks that require good vision, such as driving. Long-term excessive drinking can lead to potential health issues, including problems with vision. Intoxication is responsible for short-term effects such as blurred vision. Once a person recovers from intoxication, their vision should return to normal.
How Alcohol Affects Your Eyes
Alcohol consumption has several immediate effects on the body, and one of these can be temporary blurriness in vision. This phenomenon is often referred to as alcohol-induced visual impairment or alcohol-induced oculomotor dysfunction. Many people notice their eyes start to involuntarily flutter back and forth when they’re intoxicated. Possible treatments include corrective lenses or glasses to correct blurred or distorted vision and use of eye drops to address bloodshot eyes. Treatments can vary based on how alcohol has affected a person’s vision when drunk eyes and optic nerve.
Free Eye Exercises
- This happens due to alcohol’s effects on the muscles controlling eye movements and its overall depressant effect on the central nervous system.
- One way you can fix this is by drinking more water to rehydrate your body.
- While uncomfortable, alcohol related vision changes are transient and resolve once sober.
- You may also be able to find alcohol addiction treatment near you by visiting the SAMHSA treatment locator.
- This can lead to symptoms such as blurred or double vision, difficulty focusing, and slower eye movements.
With the right knowledge and support, turning the page to a healthier chapter is entirely possible! Stay curious, stay informed, and give your eyes (and the rest of your body!) the care they deserve and the opportunity to thrive. While our focus today is on the eyes, it’s crucial to recognize that they’re just one part of the story. So far, we’ve seen that “alcoholic eyes” can refer to a range of symptoms, each related to alcohol’s extensive impact on the body. Unfocused gaze, slower pupil reactions, and inability to track objects smoothly are all visual cues of intoxication.
The main symptom is blind spots in your vision that gradually get bigger. Eventually, they will lead to total blindness that cannot be reversed. The disease can take anywhere between a few days to weeks to fully develop.
Short-Term Effects: As the World Gets Blurry
The contents of this post and Sober living house of all Zenni blogs are for informational and marketing purposes only. This post and all Zenni blog contents are not to be considered medical advice. Zenni Optical, Inc. does not provide professional health care advice or engage in the practice of medicine, optometry, or professional health care. Always seek the advice of your optometrist or other qualified health provider for all professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.